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Vehicle Tracking Device: The Need of the Hour

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As we are the growing economy in the world and our societies and people are still in developing stage, a possession of home and self-vehicle is a great achievement. For some people a single vehicle is used by the entire family and many saves each penny to buy the vehicle of their dream be it a two-wheeler or four-wheeler.

We are thankful to the latest technology at least there are some devices we can trace the location of their vehicle and in return also tells us the whereabouts of their near and dear ones.

These devices are cheap and so easy to buy and install in the vehicles that even the common people can install it in their vehicles. There are three types of vehicle tracking systems:

1. Cellular Tracking – It is the cheapest mode of tracking the vehicle. In this the cell phone or mobiles are used to get the data about the vehicle. It is not very efficient as it messages the vehicle position after every 10 – 15 mins.

2. Wireless Tracking system – It is a bit costly than the former one but here the customer has to pay once in the beginning while purchasing and installing. It is a passive tracking system and does not work in the time of emergency as the data can only be accessible when the vehicle is back at home.

3. Satellite-based tracking system – It is most expensive but most competent way of tracking as it constantly sends the picture of the vehicle using satellite images.

Fuel Monitoring Helps Us to Save Money

As per growing rates of the fuel, the business people need to monitor and keep a track of fuel refilling, fuel theft and fuel consumption of their vehicles when it is on the road with third party or drivers. It is an automated management system in which the owner get all data related to fuel used in one go.

Vehicle GPS System: A Blessing In today’s Corrupted World

The GPS or global positioning system uses several satellite signals to locate the receiver’s position on earth. It consists of three parts:

1. GPS Tracking - The device is installed in the vehicle and it captures the GPS location data at regular interval of time to a central server.

2. GPS tracking server: They receive data from the tracking unit, store it, and give the information on demand of the user.

3. User interface: It gives the way to access information and view vehicle data.

The tracking devices not only tell us the location of the vehicle but can give a complete access of information regarding the speed and maintenance of the vehicle as well as the fuel consumed or any theft. So, the need of the hour it to have vehicle tracking device in all the vehicles whether used at home or in business. It also safeguards the people in the vehicle in case of any mis happening.