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Ancient Indian Sculptures – The Best of Indian Art 

Ancient Indian Sculptures | Image Resource :

The art of sculptures in India is very old and dates back to the times of Indus Valley Civilisation. The various excavations of this civilisation unearthed rare sculptures from the sites of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. 

These were made from terracotta and steatite seals and featured various images of dancers, singers, animals, foliage and ditties. The most notable sculpture of this era was that of dancing girl at Mohenjo-Daro. Later on the stone work began in the Mauryan Empire in India. This was a time when sculptors used their art to pro[agate the message of kings and other religions to different parts of the country.

Auction prices of ancient Indian sculptures 

Art in India always received patronage from kings. The first king to provide respect and patronage to artists was king Ashok who decided to spread the religion of Buddhism by constructing Stupas all over the country under his reigns. In the medieval India, the art of sculpting received patronage under Mughal and Rajput kings when the sculptors were awarded fame and respect for their work. Ancient Indian sculptures included those of kings, gods and goddesses. There are many art galleries and public display exhibition halls which have a good collection of the sculptures and other arts. There are a number of museums also which have preserved the Indian sculptures from ancient and medieval Indian history. 

Indian sculptures though are preserved by various museums and public galleries; they are also auctioned from time to time to the art lovers all across the world. The auctions of the antique Indian sculptures are done online to include all the art lovers to get a chance to own them. 

These auctions are monitored by an online auctioneer and the bids are invited from all over the world. The highest bidder gets to own these sculptures once the bidding is done. The auction price or selling price of the antique sculptures is very high because of antique value associated with them. 

There are many online galleries also which have full information on the sculptures and era in which they were crafted. The kings and dynasties which promoted Indian fine arts are also recognised and full information is available on them. There are a number of books and reference materials which are available on various arts and sculptures which were made in India and where these are stored and preserved. The general public can take a look at them in the various functions and events.