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Start Your Wedding The Right Way With Specially Designed Hindu Wedding Invitations


                                  Hindu wedding invitations
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Hindu marriage ceremonies are vibrant, lively affairs. They encompass a number of ceremonies that stretch out over many days of festivities. What is the first part of this elaborate process, like any wedding you may attend? It is sending out the invitations, of course. In Hindu weddings, sending out cards isn’t just a way of inviting your guests to attend the ceremony; it is a part of the ritual itself. It isn’t just another ordinary card; it is the first representation that the guests receive of the couple and their marriage.

Choose your Hindu Wedding invitations wisely

As Indian weddings tend to have up to hundreds of guests attending, the way Hindu wedding invitations look is pretty important. The importance lies here; these announce the union and matrimony of two people. Therefore, what might seem like a simple task may take a while to select or design from scratch. These wedding invitations are just the first step in a number of rituals, without which the ceremony would be incomplete.


Though India is known for its diversity in culture and religion, Hindus are by far the majority in the country, therefore it should come as no surprise that the most common type of wedding cards designed or ordered are Hindu wedding invites. The card themselves are extravagant and decorative as they represent the celebrations to follow. The importance of the wedding invitation lies in the fact that it does not only represent the bride and groom; it also represents their families and their eventual joining together to become one.

DIY Hindu wedding cards

Most wedding cards nowadays do not have set designs, but customised ones. Here are a few things to keep in mind while designing them:

Symbols and patterns – The most commonly seen icons on Hindu wedding invitations are those of religious symbols such as Lord Ganesh, the Swastika, and the Om symbol. These typically symbolise the start of an auspicious occasion, the success of the marriage, and the bringing of joy, peace, and happiness to the forthcoming ceremony.

Colours – The colour of a wedding invitation tends to match those selected for the theme of the wedding. Bright colours are preferred; unlike Christian ceremonies where white is the preferred colour.


                              Hindu wedding invitations cards| Image Resource :

Ornamentation of Hindu wedding cards – Wedding cards are never simple or basic. They are almost always decorated in some way with gems, ribbons, and other embellishments.

Words and verses – These tend to be written both in English and a vernacular script. They include names of the bride and groom, their parents, and the details of the ceremony. It can also include a verse, poem, or quote of the couple’s choice.


Weddings are a once in a lifetime event which is special for both the families and also the bride and the groom. It is the one time event which needs everything to be just perfect. From the flower arrangements to the lighting and the wedding cards, nobody wants to leave any loose ends.


International designs and concepts have also started to seep in. Cards, velvet scrolls and aesthetically designed boxes and cards are highly preferred by people these days. Customized cards made with handmade paper are also an interesting choice. Other than that, symbols hold a lot of meaning too.

There are dozens of choices when it comes to picking the symbols to be printed on the card. After the card is designed, it is also possible to order sample cards (free of shipping charges) before you order them in bulk. Tradition meets creativity when it comes to Indian wedding preparations.